One Saturday a month, Raphael House hosts a birthday party for the children in the Bridge Program who have birthdays during that month. Families gather in celebration to eat delicious food, play games, and open presents. Children of Shelters has been generous in providing the cakes, cupcakes, and decorations for the birthday parties. And recently Facebook, who also sponsored families for our Adopt-a-Family program in December, has generously donated several of the toys from our wishlist that are given to the kids as gifts. These images were taken at the January Bridge Program birthday celebration. The kids had a blast playing twister and Foosball with their friends and family. The piñata and face paint was also popular among the kids of all different ages. Each child felt so special as they each got to blow out their own candles and open an array of gifts. It was a joyful day as the families spent time celebrating with one another. [su_spacer size=”10″]
—Katie Kuehl, Children’s Program Assistant
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