Donate Stocks or Securities

According to Cocatalyst, in 2018, stock giving accounted for $2.07 billion of all giving which is over 3.5 million stock donations. Thanks to donors like you, in 2021-2022, we received over $50,000 in stock gifts.
Donating appreciated stocks, bonds, or securities is an easy way to make an important contribution that helps to support our families.
You may realize immediate tax benefits by donating gifts of this kind and maximize the impact of your gift.
Benefits may include:
- Make a higher impact gift
- Investment portfolio can remain the same
- You can repurchase stock the same day at its Fair Market Value
- Income Tax savings on Charitable deduction
- Avoid paying capital gain tax on appreciated amount
- Save ~20% Federal
- Save ~13.3% State (Based on CA)
We encourage you to consult with a financial advisor or tax accountant prior to making a donation of this type.
If you would like to arrange for a transfer, click here to download our Stock Transfer Instructions.
If you have any questions, please contact Development Manager, Jodane Solorzano, at 415.345.7267 or