Former Resident Whitney Petrey to be Honoree Speaker at Gala

Mar 31 2016
Raphael House
Whitney_with baby Whitney and Finley

On May 14, Raphael House friends, donors, staff, and Board of Directors will welcome Whitney Petrey and her children, Finley and Bennett as the honoree family at our 19th annual One Home, Many Hearts Gala. When Whitney arrived at Raphael House with her two children in March 2015, she was a single mother who was unemployed after separating from her husband due to his drug addiction, then having to leave the home where she had been living with her parents because of domestic violence. Raphael House immediately provided the stable, safe environment her family needed to start creating a better future. With a Master of Arts Degree in Archaeology, Whitney worked diligently with Career Development staff to acquire full-time work in her field. After four months in our Residential Shelter Program, Whitney was able to secure employment as an Assistant Curator at Museums of Lake County (which includes two museums and four historical sites).

Whitney's son_facepaint Bennett enjoying himself at the Raphael House spring carnival

She also partnered with her Residential Case Manager to find affordable housing near her new job. To assist Whitney in her transition to stable housing, Raphael House provided her with a Housing Opportunity Assistance grant to subsidize two months of rent. With an increase in salary and her consistent effort with budgeting and saving, Whitney has been able to maintain her housing without financial assistance. Whitney continues doing work she enjoys and is making progress toward her goal of teaching at a local community college. We are truly honored to be able to hear the details of Whitney’s journey at the Gala, which is our largest fundraiser of the year. If you’re interested in attending, please visit for information or to purchase tickets. —Erin Reeser

*Please note, this story has been updated to correct inaccurate details regarding the reason for Whitney’s separation from her husband and details about the Gala.  


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