Raphael House Purchases Properties on Sutter Street
Capital campaign is successfully completed! Raphael House totally owns its properties at a combined cost of $3.1 million, paid in full. Despite an economic recession, families in […]
Sophia House Opens in West Oakland + Shocking Events of 9/11
Children’s Program Director, Carol Cole, opens Sophia House in West Oakland. Sophia House is a separately incorporated agency working closely with Raphael House to provide a seamless delivery […]
Plans to Purchase the Building at 1065 Sutter
Raphael House leadership proposes that we purchase our buildings at 1045 & 1065 Sutter Street. A Capital Campaign Committee is created and it commences, under the leadership […]
A New Tutoring Center + Brother Juniper’s Restaurant Closes After 20 Years
The new AfterSchool Tutorial Center opens in November of 1999, providing a bright open area for after school tutoring, art projects, music, and computer training. Brother Juniper’s […]
Average Length of Family Stay Increases
Due to the very high rent and move-in costs, families now need to stay four to six months at Raphael House in order to save up to […]
Raphael House Recognized for Its Impact
Raphael House receives three prestigious awards: The John R. May Award from the San Francisco Foundation for innovation in the face of a pressing social need The […]
AfterCare Program Expansion
Raphael House expands our AfterCare Program into the building next door, incorporating adult education, expanded computer lab and training, domestic violence support group, and an increase of […]
Corporate Chefs Volunteer Program is Created
The Corporate Chefs Program is created. Its function is to generate opportunities for groups of individuals to volunteer at Raphael House by preparing and serving dinner for […]
Honoring the Life of Ella Rigney
Mrs. Ella Rigney dies peacefully at Raphael House, a few months before her 100th birthday. “A Century of Service” banquet is held at the Grand Hyatt in […]
Raphael House Becomes a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Raphael House incorporates separately from Christ the Saviour Brotherhood as a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Fr. David Lowell (pictured at right) becomes Executive Director.
Adopt-A-Family Holiday Program Introduced
Raphael House begins a Christmas Adopt-a-Family Program where 100 former resident families receive gifts and necessary items provided by the local community. The Raphael House Thrift Store—which […]
Average Length of Stay for Families Shortened
Due to better city programs and foundations grants, the average length of stay at Raphael House returns to its low of 15 days, down from 26 days […]